Steps to Transformation
Series Overview
This series was created by the Center of Being, the same organization that brings us IET®. The information and energetic processes were channeled from Archangel Ariel, who is helping humanity create a state of Heaven on Earth.
Quite the opposite of “no pain, no gain”, the motto of this Steps to Transformation series is “no pleasure, no treasure”. These modules are designed to create an environment of joy-filled energetic expansion and personal transformation. This series will help you heal your trauma without having to relive the drama or pain. The ultimate goal is a life full of ease and pure joy!
Everything you need is already within you. You are like a seed planted in fertile soil. What sprouts from the seed was already encoded in it. In the same way, your gifts and purpose are already encoded in you. Let’s uncover them and help them grow.
In Each Step:
Each 90-minute module consists of some lecture material as well as a guided transformational energetic experience.
You will be connected with powerful angelic energy and you will learn establish your own energetic connection with the Healing Angels.
You will learn to use ancient sacred geometry, combined with special techniques channeled from Archangel Ariel to heal and transform our life.
You will learn hand mudras that will let you instantly re-activate each step at any time.
Series vs. Individual Steps
Because each step builds upon the previous, we recommend you attend the steps in sequence for the most optimal transformational experience. However, it is not required and there is no prerequisite for any of the steps.

Pricing & Registration
Class Dates:
Please subscribe to newsletters to be notified of next offering.
Location: Online
Not currently scheduled.
Pricing :
Full Series: $220 early bird, $250 regular (** includes a free workbook)
Single Step: $40 (*must purchase workbook)
Early Bird Pricing:
The early bird price is given when registering for the series at least 7 days in advance.
* When purchasing steps individually there is a one-time $10 workbook purchase required. This workbook covers as many steps as you would like to attend in this series or any time that this workshop is offered in the future.
** When purchasing the whole series at once, the workbook is included for free.
Steps Overview

Overview / Heartlink with Your Angel
Overview of the entire series
Overview of angels
Identify your transformation goals
Learn how to energetically connect with angels to receive healing, guidance, and insights
Learn how to sense your angels using each of your psychic senses

Activate Your 12-Strand DNA
Learn about your Soul’s Mission
Learn about 12-Strand DNA and how it governs all aspects of your life
Participate in a process to activate your 12-Strand DNA, bringing it into resonance with angelic energy
This process helps you to easily begin to live your heart’s desires

Clear your Karma
Learn what Karma is (hint: it has nothing to do with punishment or judgment)
Identify and clear your unwanted karma to break free from challenging patterns
This process turns major obstacles into minor speedbumps
This helps you achieve growth and spiritual mastery with more ease and joy

Achieve True Forgiveness
Learn what true forgiveness is (hint: it’s not about the person you’re forgiving)
Learn how holding onto judgements only serves to limit you
Let go of the energy of past hurts for good and free yourself to follow your heart
Share forgiveness energy with the world to benefit all of humanity

Empower Your Heart
When you combine divine creative power with unconditional love and compassion, you live your life from an empowered heart
We’ll build an Atlantean Healing Temple to help us achieve perfect balance and live from this place
You’ll become “a miracle magnet”
You’ll also discover your life’s essential action and begin to live from that place

Future Life Progression
You’ll meet your Soul Council
You’ll experience an angelically guided journey into a future lifetime
One that is the perfect expression of your Soul’s Mission
You’ll reap the benefit of the experience in your current lifetime

Learn how and where you consciously and unconsciously give up your freedom
Learn how this holds you back
Participate in an energetic process to lovingly free ourselves, benefitting all of our relationships
Learn how to cut energy cords that are not love-based and are not serving your highest good
Learn to be truly free regardless of external circumstances